Study questions

  1. Describe what is meant by a random walk. A number of questionnaires in this survey had to be disposed when the enumerator found on reaching a homestead that the homestead did not possess the required 'primary' species. Plan an alternative method for ensuring that the required samples of homesteads are surveyed for 'primary' species. With this method, and assuming that all species are raised describe how you would use the random walk method to select 2 homesteads each for cattle, sheep, goats and chickens and one each for pigs and donkeys in a dip-tank area.

  2. Write an essay on interviewing techniques for a survey such as the one described in this case study.

  3. Use GenStat to reproduce the bar chart for the ranking of sources of income shown under Importance of cattle.

  4. Repeat the analysis under Cattle responsibilities but this time produce two separate tables for homesteads headed by males and females, respectively. It will be necessary to copy the gender field into CS11Data2b. Include just the activities for purchasing, selling, herding and milking in the analysis. Comment on the results. If deemed appropriate, apply a statistical test to confirm your conclusions.

  5. Apply the steps considered in this case study under Research strategy to the situation in your country. What changes, if any, would you recommend?