Study protocol/Measurements

Then details of what is measured and how.

The following measurements will be made.

1. Days to reach the target slaughter weight

2. Feed measurements
   Dry matter (DM) intake
   Feed conversion efficiency
   Nutritional value of the feeds

3. Body measurements
   Body weight will be recorded weekly.

Body measurements will be taken before slaughter on the following body parts with the help of a measuring tape. The goat will be measured while standing on four legs on an even surface.

  • Body length (point of shoulder to the pin bone-see photograph)
  • Body height (base of the hoof to the highest point of the wither)
  • Heart girth (circumference of the body immediately behind the forelegs)
  • Paunch girth (circumference around the umbilicus)
  • Neck girth (circumference at the base of the neck)
  • Thigh circumference (around the middle of the thigh)

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