Study protocol/Measurements

4. Carcass measurements 

Empty body weight will be computed as the difference between slaughter weight and the sum of the digestive tract contents. The chilled carcass weight will be measured after 24 hours of chilling at 40C and used to determine chilled dressing percentage and shrinkage weight loss.

After removing the tail the carcass will be split along the dorsal middle line with a band saw and carcass length(from the caudal edge of the last sacral vertebra to the dorso-cranial edge of the atlas (first cervical) vertebra) measured. Eye muscle area will be measured after tracing the muscle at the 12/13th rib position.

Commercial cuts will be made from the left half of the carcass and disjointed to leg, loin, racks, shoulder and neck, and breast and shank. Then the rib section (8-9-10th rib) of the carcass will be dissected by knife and tissues will be separated to determine the proportions of muscle, bone and fat.

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