Findings, implications and lessons learned continued

  1. The protocol then contains details of where the study is to be conducted, the experimental materials to be used, the type of experiment and how it is to be designed. A list of measurements to be made is then given with details of methods to be used. Finally, a summary of proposed methods for statistical analysis are outlined. Each of these is important.

  2. Details of a sensory analysis experiment to assess taste qualities are also given. These have intentionally been described somewhat loosely in order to provide study questions for the student.

  3. So what might be missing? There is a long list of measurements to be made during the experiment. This will certainly require some care in data recording. It may not be obvious to the reader which measurements are observed and which measurements are derived from other measurements: this could be made clearer. A section on data recording would focus the researcher's mind on how the data will best be assembled and which variables can be derived later by computer. Draft data recording sheets could usefully be attached to the protocol to demonstrate how data recording is to be done. A statement should also be included on how data are to be entered into the computer and the software to be used. Data management is likely to be an intricate part of the study and plans are best set out at the start. This is an important component of research methods.

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