Study design

Study 3

Additional corms from each of the three fertiliser x landrace groups grown at Ukulinga were stored in the 120C cold room polythene bags for four months (the duration of Study 2). These were used in this study to assess the performance of first generation corms. Corms were planted in pots, one corm per pot, in a shade house and placed in a randomised block design with nine landrace x fertiliser level combinations replicated three times (nine pots per replicate) to account for environmental variations within the shade house.

Seed corms were weighed before planting. Pots were examined daily and the day when shoot emergence occurred recorded. Plant height, leaf number, leaf area, number of suckers and above ground biomass (both fresh and dried) were recorded 33 days after planting when first plants reached the three leaf stage.

This study is not considered further in this case study.