Further reading

Gibson M. and Fuller T. 2000 Dietary modulation of the human microbiota introducing the probiotic. Journal of Nutrition 6: 140-142.

Lange P. 2007. Organic production of food. Creda Communications Pty, New York, USA.

(MOAC) Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives 2006. Annual report for 2006. Mbabane, Swaziland.

Sonaiya E.B., Dazogbo J.S. and Olukosi O.A. 1990. Further Assessment of scavenging feed resource base in Africa. CTA – seminar proceedings on smallholder poultry production. Thessalonica, Greece. pp 15-20. Full text


The second author thanks the Government of Swaziland for sponsoring her financially whilst she undertook her studies which included this research project. She is also grateful to the Department of Animal Science at the University of Swaziland for providing her with the necessary experimental facility, chicks and experimental materials that enabled her to conduct the study.