
A number of 'scientific' terms used in this case study, perhaps not familiar to the reader, are listed here.

Anthelmintic treatment: a chemical treatment used to treat gastro-intestinal parasites.
Dam: the female parent of an animal, especially of domestic livestock.
Diallel design: a two-way factorial design involving sire breed and dam breed in an animal experiment.
Faecal egg count: a count of the number of parasite eggs found in a sample of faeces from an animal.
Genotype: the genetic constitution of an animal.
Helminth: a parasite found in the intestines of livestock.
Helminthiasis: the disease caused by the presence of helminths.
Offspring: the immediate descendant of an animal.
Packed cell volume: the percentage of blood cells in an animal's blood (measurement obtained by spinning a sample in a centrifuge to separate blood cells from serum - the watery liquid component).
Sire: the male parent of an animal, especially of domestic livestock.

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