Exploration & description/ANOVA or REML?

The main points to note when interpreting REML outputs are (a) the validity of the Wald test depends on the size of the sample, and (b) that the Wald test is more liberal than the F test, with the significance levels of the two becoming closer as the sample size increases.

Some statistical packages apply an F test to the Wald/d.f. value rather than a Chi-square test to the Wald statistic. Nevertheless, the above comments still apply and the user needs to take care in calculating significance values for F-tests in a mixed model analysis.

*** Table of effects for YEAR ***
YEAR 91.00 92.00 93.00 94.00 95.00 96.00
  0.000 -1.566 -1.096 -2.833 -3.228 -2.351
Standard error of differences: Average 0.3373
  Maximum 0.3898
  Minimum 0.2753
Average variance of differences: 0.1151
*** Table of effects for SEX ***
  0.0000 0.4779
Standard error of differences: 0.1695

** Table of effects for AGEWEAN ***
0.07022 Standard error: 0.008856

*** Table of effects for DL ***
2.726 Standard error: 0.3150

*** Table of effects for DQ ***
-0.2689 Standard error: 0.03401

** Table of effects for RAM_BRD ***
RAM_BRD   D       R
            0.0000   -0.4429

Standard error of differences: 0.1728

** Table of effects for EWE_BRD ***
EWE_BRD      D      R
            0.0000 -0.5855

Standard error of differences: 0.2366

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