Study questions

  1. Carry out an analysis of variance of the two individual columns of dry matter yields contained in CS5Data1. Do your results confirm that accessions 16803 and 16837 performed the best?

  2. Discuss when it is appropriate to use a multiple range test. Apply Duncan's multiple range test to the mean values for dry matter yield in Study A and write a brief report. Which accessions would you recommend for a preliminary shortlist for further investigation based on their dry matter yields?

  3. Average performances of the different accessions described by Ndikumana and Kamidi were based on an analysis of proportional differences from best local cultivar yields (Table 6 of their paper). Run a least squares analysis on the mean values in Table 4 of their paper. Compare the rankings you get from this analysis and compare the results you get with Table 6. Comment.

  4. Having developed through on-station research recommendations to put to farmers on the most suitable accessions for them to plant, sketch the outline of an on-farm study that might be conducted with participation from farmers to confirm that these best-bet accessions perform well both in terms of dry matter yield and when fed to dairy cows.

  5. Prepare a strategy for the research you intend to do for an MSc (or other) research project, including decisions on the type of study you need to do and how you intend to manage and analyse the data. It may be helpful to refer to the Research strategy teaching guide.