Statistical modelling
To enable us to explore this problem further the following model:
yijk = µ+ bi+dj+ ßxijk+
was fitted to average milk yield over 1 – 30 days and 1 – 60 days, respectively, stored in
CS8Data2, where yijk is the average milk yield for goat
ijk, µ is the grand mean, bi is the effect of batch i
(i = 1,2), dj is the effect of diet j (j = C, A, B for the first 30 days;
j = C, A + B, B for the 60 days), ß is the regression coefficient on pre-treatment milk yield
xijk and eijk is the residual term.
An analysis of covariance on the average milk yield for the 18 animals from the first two batches can be obtained using the dialogue box
below produced via Stats
→ Analysis of Variance… and changing Design from General Analysis of Variance to One-way ANOVA (in Randomized
