Statistical modelling/Sample size estimation

Expected values of s12, s22 and s32 in the E.M.S. column can be calculated to give:

s32 = 290.5 (see previous slide but one)
s22 = (1438.1 - 290.5)/15 = 76.51
s12 = (2024.8 - 1438.1)/120 = 4.89

Note the relative sizes of s12, s22 and s32. The size of s12, which represents the contribution from the different buds to the total variation, is very much smaller than s22 and s32.

Thus the standard error of the difference (SED) between mean sucrose concentrations, each with 6 x 15 observations, can be calculated as

This is the value given in the output (see previous page).

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