Study protocol/Measurements

5. Chevon quality

Description of scientific method can become quite technical; nevertheless, it needs to be described precisely so that others can check what was done.

Meat quality measurements will include:

  • Chemical composition (CP, EE, ash and DM)
  • Tenderness
  • pH
  • Colour
  • Cooking loss
  • Fatty acid composition

The dissected lean and fat from the half carcass will be minced and sub-sampled for analysis of CP, EE, moisture and ash using standard AOAC methods.

Tenderness will be measured in a standard sized, cooked sample using shear force tests. The loins (m. longissimus dorsi, L1- L6) will be vacuum packed and frozen at -200C for shear force determinations. The frozen loins will then be thawed for 24h at 20C and cooked in an electric oven until the meat internal temperature reaches 650C. Muscle cores with a cross section of 1x1 cm and at least 3 cm long will be cut parallel to the muscle fibres and shear force values taken using Warner-Bratzler shear force / Instron apparatus mounted in a texture analyser testing machine. An average of at least six replicates will be taken of the maximum force needed to shear a sample perpendicular to the axis of the fibre direction.

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