Data management

Data file preparation for Experiment 1

The data in the new spreadsheet were, after converting the variable view to a factor, then aggregated over field of view (Spread → Calculate → Summary Stats …) and mean values (m_pgerm) calculated classified by slide, length, bud number and sucrose concentration (as shown) to obtain the average percentage germination value per slide. Having made the number of decimals for m_pgerm equal to 2, the data were then stored in CS9Data1b. This file (with column names changed to those shown in CS9Doc1b) is used for the polynomial regression analysis.

Variables to be used as factors in the analysis were defined so in Genstat.

Data file preparation for Experiment 2

The data for Experiment 2, which are already stored in columns in CS9Data2, were similarly handled. Percentage viability was similarly calculated as pviab = (vc/tvc)x100, where vc represent the number of viable pollens counted from a total of tvc pollens in the field of view, and aggregated over field of view. These data were then aggregated over field of view as for Experiment 1 and stored in CS9Data2a.

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