Enhancement of capacity in applied biometry in East and southern Africa

Table of Contents

Proceedings of an ILRI workshop held at ILRI Nairobi, Kenya, 7-9 December 1999

Editor, G.J. Rowlands

© 2000 ILRI (International Livestock Research Isntitute)
All rights reserved. Parts of this document may be reproduced without express permissions for non-commercial use but with acknowledgement to ILRI.

ISBN 92-9146-079-6

Correct citation: Rowlands G.J. 2000. Enhancement of capacity in applied biometry in East and southern Africa. Proceedings of an ILRI workshop held at ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya 7-9 December, 1999. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya.

Table of Contents



The changing nature of agricultural research in Africa

The impact of the changing agricultural research focus on biometric methods and the role of the biometrician

Biometric support to biometricians and scientists in developing countries- Approaches needed now and in the future

A survey of the current status of biometrics in the National Agricultural Research Organisation, Uganda

Biometrics at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute

The current position of biometric support for agricultural and natural resources research in Malawi

Capacity of livestock research scientists in applied biometry in Tanzania

Biometrics services and capacity at the Kenya Forestry Research Institute

Rapid assessment of biostatistic and computer application capacity of the research scientists in the Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya

Applied biometry in the research programmes at the National Animal Husbandry Research Centre, Kenya

Assessment of the current status in the design and analysis of experiments at Matopos Research Station, Zimbabwe

Biometrics at the Kutsaga Research Company, Zimbabwe

University training in biometrics/ biostatistics in Zimbabwe, the current situation

Teaching of biometrics in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi

Biometric support in the faculties of Agriculture and Forestry and Nature Conservation, Makerere University, Uganda

Biometrics training in the Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation, Sekoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania

Biometrics training at Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi

Strengthening biometry and statistics in agricultural research: Review of the CTA study

Opportunities in biometry-The South African perspective

Teaching of biometrics at MSc level: Approaches adopted at Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Belgium

New initiatives at the University of Nairobi following a biometrics conference in Mombasa, 1997

Biometrics training for MSc students in agriculture: Approaches being undertaken in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi

Strategies for improving biometric support and training: A case study of an integrated biometrics development strategy in Guinea

Biometrics training for agricultural students: Approaches adopted at the University of Reading

The role of international agricultural research centres in research support

Training resources in biometrics: A means to sustainable training and education

Instat+—A computer package to support the teaching of biometrics

The possible role of the Sub-Saharan African Network (SUSAN) in enhancing capacity in applied biometry in East and southern Africa

A network within East and southern Africa to enhance capacity in applied biometry?
